Thursday, September 22, 2016

Upcoming shows: Glitterbomb and Tuesday Tease

As you can guess, I've been busy as a bee.  Tomorrow (or I guess technically tonight), I am debuting a very special and personal number about hair and my contentious relationship with it.  So please come out to Glitterbomb.  It won't be all tears though as Tony Fo-Hawk is bringing back his fun tribute to our Snowboard Slopestyle gold medalist with fabulous hair, Sage Kotsenburg. It'll be an unforgettable night so please come out to Mable Peabody's!

For Tuesday Tease, I will be stage managing/kittening for the next show on September 27.  Then I'm producing the October 11 show.  The flyers haven't been released yet, but mark those dates down!

I promise I'll get back to blogging.  The next post is about the Texas Queerlesque Festival, and there's a lot.  In fact, I don't think I can fit all the pictures in so here's one of them.

TXQF16: Sequins and Sass cast and crew
Photo by The Naked Lens

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Upcoming shows: Tuesday Tease and Rockers for Knockers

I meant to work on more blog posts, but just as I was done with Super Smash Tease, I had another show to produce.  That's what I get with the "promotion" (not that we actually have a hierarchy in Tuesday Tease, just responsibilities).  In any case, you'll be seeing more shows produced by yours truly, and I won't be in them with the exception of special occasions.  That doesn't mean you shouldn't come because we always have stellar performers, and this week, we've got some pretty special guests.  Hope to see you at Sue's!

One show you can catch me in is Rockers for Knockers on October 1.  It's a charity show with a live band.  I've got another show lined up this month, but I wanted to share this one because it is for a good cause, My Hope Chest, so mark your calendars!